"Volevo morire, lo yoga mi ha salvato la vita":
Oggi gira il mondo per aiutare gli altri

"Volevo morire, lo yoga mi ha salvato la vita": Oggi gira il mondo per aiutare gli altri
La paura di poter perdere il suo bambino l'ha traumatizzata e a salvarle la vita è stato lo yoga. Heidi Williams, 27enne di Layton, Utah, ha deciso di girare il mondo per avvicinare tutti a questa pratica che per lei è stata salvifica e miracolosa. 

A couple months ago, I was going through one of the most stressful experiences of my life. It was a particularly bad day and my anxiety was starting to get out of control. So I went on a walk. While I was walking I suddenly got a whiff of the lavender bush next to me. I stopped, picked some, held it up to my nose and inhaled deeply. Instantly, my muscles relaxed, my adrenaline calmed and my mind came to a stand still. I turned to my husband and said "Holy shit. I need this in my life!" I picked a bunch more and brought them home with me. I smelled those lavender sprigs every time I felt the anxiety coming on and every time I had the same reaction. Stillness. It became my new obsession. It was like yoga in a bottle. After several weeks of stashing lavender sprigs everywhere, I decided to call my friend who is an essential oil expert. I told her " I think I need some essential oils." She also knew about my journey with emotional trauma and said "I had a feeling you were going to call at some point. And I have the perfect kit for you. It's called the emotional aromatherapy kit, and it's designed to help balance emotions and is effective for emotional trauma as well." Having just experienced what I did with the lavender sprigs, I was all for it. I ordered my kit immediately.  You guys… these oils are insane. I only wish I wasn’t so new to them. That I would have had access to these oils when I first started my healing journey. in a nutshell:  Inhaling the therapeutic oils DIRECTLY affects the part of our brain that stores emotions (the amygdala) as well as the part that controls our stress levels and hormone balance. These oils are my God sends and my go-to's throughout the day. They have been unbelievably effective for dealing with the roller coasters of anxiety and depression. I love these oils as much as I love my yoga and meditation practice. If you are interested in recommendations or getting the same kit I got- which I highly recommend: *email me at hw89essentailoils@gmail.com and follow my new essential oils page: * @hw89essentialoils Where I will be posting an oil a day and the emotional benefits of it.

Una foto pubblicata da heidiwilliams89 (@heidiwilliams89) in data:

Heidi ha rischiato di perdere suo figlio a soli 6 mesi, il suo cuoricino si è fermato ed è riuscito a ripartire con un tempestivo massaggio cardiaco. L'esperienza, seppur a lieto fine, ha però scioccato la donna e ha dato vita ad una serie di gravi disturbi post-traumatici da stress, depressione, tentativi di suicidio e ansia costante.

Heidi si è così iscritta in palestra dove ha scoperto lo yoga: «Sei mesi dopo sono andata da un terapista craniosacrale che mi ha permesso di sciogliere i miei nodi. Per diversi mesi le cose sono andate bene. Il mio matrimonio però è andato a rotoli», ha raccontato, come riporta l'Huffington Post. 

I am in shock and completely floored. This weekend Dev and I came across an article about a group of people known as "Overweight haters." they hand cards out to overweight people that say the following: "...our organisation hates and resents fast people.  We object to the enormous amount of food you consume while half the world starves. We disapprove of your wasting NHS money to treat your selfish greed. And we do not understand who you fail to grasp that by eating less you will be better off, slimmer, happy and find a partner who is not a perverted chubby lover, or even find a partner at all... " Are you serious? ARE YOU SERIOUS? Is this what people think about people struggling with obesity? Have you ever BEEN obese? Do you know the type of emotional, physical, and mental battles they fight EVERY SINGLE DAY? Do you understand the emotional wreckage that results from being rejected, criticized and bullied? Do you understand the frustration of not being able to control your eating no matter how much you try? Do you understand that their battle is RARELY related to "laziness" contrary to popular belief? Do you get that while yes, most of the obesity epidemic is totally preventable, it will not be done by sheer will power, simple restraint, or "just eating less." Do you understand that just as with depression- NOBODY chooses to be obese or sad. It is a physical symptom of something inside being broken. And most often, it is an emotional one. Until we can learn to love without conditions, to have compassion, to offer our support instead of our shame, our society will continue to suffer. So today, judge a little less. Try to understand that everyone is doing their best. And instead of spreading hate and ignorance, smother people in love and compassion. God knows we all need it. ***For those who struggle with emotional eating and/or eating disorders, you are WELCOME to come join my support group. It is a place of safety to begin any healing journey.***

Una foto pubblicata da heidiwilliams89 (@heidiwilliams89) in data:

La situazione però peggiorava, la donna è stata anche violentata e il trauma si è acutizzato. La sua condizione psichica l'ha portata a tradire e lasciare il marito, solo dopo un lungo percorso sono tornati insieme e hanno raggiunto un nuovo equilibrio. «Io, mio marito e i miei due bambini abbiamo donato tutto per viaggiare intorno al mondo nell’arco di un anno. Faremo lezioni e workshop in diverse città per portare amore e sostegno a chi ne avrà bisogno. Voglio abbracciare, non più solo virtualmente, chi può avere bisogno del mio aiuto».
Ultimo aggiornamento: Giovedì 15 Settembre 2016, 18:47